Imagine one of those beautiful summer nights in Sweden. The brisk, green nature, the breeze blowing silently through the fertile forest. Watch out, a lively rabbit running in front of your feet. It’s a stunning performance from the land of forest and lake. Somewhere there, if you look carefully, an old man and his dog walking side by side, looking back at a rich life of… Well, until a huge motherf**king monster who doesn’t even try to hide jumps out from the darkness and starts killing off EVERYONE around!
No one is safe. No one is prepared. There’s just one guy who can kill the monster, one guy who can saved them all. Yeah, it’s the old man and his dog… the hermit himself. HERMIT: MONSTER KILLER. Just when you thought it was safe to steal his apples. Grumpiness has never been so dangerous. Don’t mess around with The Hermit.
HERMIT MONSTER KILLER! teaser – in the cutting room